In a bad mood? Purge your blogroll.


We had a three-day week at work but we packed a semester’s worth of angst, meetings, and general academic brouhaha into it. So I am  feeling rather crabby in spite of a very nice walk in the woods with a friend.  What to do but purge my blogroll of all the blogs that irritate me?

First to go are professional publications’ blogs which post seductive titles with no content – only links to pages where you can pay to read the article.  I don’t mind paying for articles but they should tell me up front, not make me click through to find out.

Next up? Another set of blogs that send titles only, and uninformative titles at that.  ‘Whither and Wherefore’ has appeared in Obscure Magazine, they pronounce. Whither and wherefore will they go when I click that delete button?

There’s a whole mess of blogs whose authors ‘break’ their posts so feedly only gets a teaser. Unfortunately the ones that irritate me most with this are too useful to delete. Instead, I’ll take out my spleen on the science blog that has posted its thirtieth article about homosexual necrophilia in ducks. Not that I’m judging — yes, I am. Not the interest itself, but the level of interest … delete.

This purge was a great relief, so much so that I began to reflect on the blogs that I do like. IFLScience has taken over from Wired as the prime site for popular science, so far as I can tell. I follow Rod Dreher at American Conservative because he runs the best comment section of any political blog out there.  The Art of Animation showcases pictures by artists on DeviantArt, and you never know what you’ll see. I hunted up one of their featured artists last week and bought a print. And of course I follow The Bloggess. Doesn’t everybody?

But what should I add to replace all those irritants I just removed? I’m open for suggestions.

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