In Which I Write Vaporware

I’ve had a rash of sales that haven’t come to fruition. I shouldn’t be too sad, because I already got paid handsomely for one of them: but I really look forward to seeing the stories in print.

I sold The Bloody Stone to the anthology “Ghosts on Drugs” and it was one of my best selling experiences, including a conversation with the editor that made the story so much better that I could probably sell it to other places as well – and they paid me the highest price I’ve ever received – but when is the anthology coming out? It’s still open ‘until filled,’ so submit stuff, people!

I sold a reprint of Kindling, one of my favorite stories, to Hic Sunt Dracones. Signed a contract and anything – but I have no idea when the anthology will come out. At least it is closed, which suggests they have all the stories they need.

Selling them is fun and seeing them come out is fun. I’m just a tad impatient.


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