Double Dragon took care of creating the covers for my novels, but I was on my own when it came to reissuing Kindling on Smashwords. Needless to say, I am not a professional artist. What my studio lacks in equipment, however, it makes up in ridiculousness.
To create the picture of a dragon crawling through the Kindling tribute balls, I had to create actual tribute balls. I then wanted to photo them against a black background. I have no idea how professionals do this, but I put them inside a cat carrier covered with a towel. To put the dragon behind them, I drew his face on black paper and propped it inside the cat carrier.
The difficulty with this should be obvious. Somebody else had first rights to the cat carrier — and the tribute balls.
The final results owe a great deal to my creative consultants, Maisie and Nora. Any flaws in the Kindling cover should likewise be attributed to them.