Plot noodling – teaching magic

Well, nobody was intrigued by my previous post about the Zoomancy faculty’s brilliant idea of having brownies grade papers for them. But I will persist, as grading and teaching issues are on my mind at the end of the semester.

Because I mainly write the Royal Academy novels during summers, I’ve given teaching and undergraduates short shrift in them. But since it’s a time of year when teachers are necessarily preoccupied with teaching and evaluating, I’m going to take advantage of it and try to generate ideas about how teaching life would be better if profs had magic at their disposal. Anyone who’s taking a break from that pile of papers is invited to chime in. How would the mechanics of working with your classes be different in a University of Magic?

This semester, I’m thinking about wraiths that would float above a class, proctoring exams. But then I’m in the middle of grading, and not very imaginative. Perhaps if Brownies were grading my papers, I’d have more to offer… what’s your dearest wish, if you could apply magic to this part of your job?

Caveat: anything suggested in comments may be used in a future story, and I will not promise to remember who deserves the credit.

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